conventional sealant, fluoride containing sealant and amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) containing sealant, respectively. Seventy two upper premolars, using simple random sampling, were divided into 3 groups of 24 specimens: (1) sealant without fluoride (Concise White Sealant™), (2) sealant with fluoride (Teethmate F™)
and (3) sealant with ACP (Aegisฎ). The specimens were stored in 37 ํC distilled water for 24 hours. Then the specimens were tested in shear bond strength mode (MPa), at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm./min. The test was analyzed by using One-way ANOVA at α level = 0.05. The result of this study revealed that shear bond strength of fluoride containing sealant showed the highest mean shear bond strength of 7.06 ± 1.55 MPa
(mean ± SD), while ACP containing sealant had the lowest mean shear bond strength of5.93 ±1.49 MPa. Statistical analysis indicated that shear bond strengths of fluoride containing sealant and the conventional
sealant were significantly different from that of ACP containing sealant (p < 0.05). In conclusion, shear
bond strength of conventional sealant was not different from that of fluoride containing sealant. Thus, the conventional sealant and fluoride containing sealant could be alternative options for dentists to choose the efficient sealant used in general application.
bond strength of conventional sealant was not different from that of fluoride containing sealant. Thus, the conventional sealant and fluoride containing sealant could be alternative options for dentists to choose the efficient sealant used in general application.