• Issue 2 volume 75
  • Issue 1 volume 75
Page : 54 - 61

Title : Oral Evaluation and Management in Head and Neck Radiotherapy Patient

Author(s) : Atapol Yongvikul, Sunya Ruangsitt

Keyword(s) : Head and Neck Cancer,Oral Care;Dental Care,Osteoradionecrosis,Radiation Therapy,Xerostomia

Manuscript Type : Review Article (บทความปริทัศน์)

Page : 54 - 61

Patients diagnosed with head and neck cancer often require various treatments, including radiation therapy. Dentists, as oral health specialists and members of the multidisciplinary cancer care team, must possess the knowledge to ensure accurate and timely dental management. This enables patients to receive cancer treatment within the required timeframe, especially for radiation or post-surgical radiation, while considering the limited time for dental care. Pre-radiation dental management involves eliminating sources of oral infection, educating patients, addressing the risk of dry mouth, masticatory muscle contracture, and making decisions about tooth extractions. During radiation, patients are advised to perform fluoride applications and practice jaw muscle exercises to maintain mobility. Post-radiation dental care extends throughout the patient's lifetime, focusing on caries and periodontal disease prevention. Proper coordination between dental and oncological treatments is essential to ensure the patient’s overall health and successful cancer treatment outcomes.

Page : 62 - 74

Title : The Use of Palatal Prostheses to Restore the Remaining Palatal Defects in Eight Patients with Cleft Lip-Cleft Palate

Author(s) : Panarat Kodkeaw, Lapon Mutthapong, Krit Khwanngern

Keyword(s) : Remaining palatal defect,Cleft lip-cleft palate,Palatal prosthesis,Obturator

Manuscript Type : Case Report

Page : 62 - 74

This report presents the use of palatal prostheses to restore the remaining palatal defects in eight patients with cleft lip-cleft palate. Two adult patients had small palatal defects, but they rejected surgical correction. Two pediatric patients had small palatal defects, but it was not a proper time for surgical repair. Four pediatric patients had palatal defects that could not be corrected surgically with an adjacent tissue. Their palatal defects were reconstructed with acrylic-based palatal prostheses, which were designed based on the principles of removable dentures, with additional considerations such as the tissue characteristics around the defects, forces acting on the prostheses, the condition of teeth, and caries risks. Other than this, there were chair-side relining and border molding procedures to improve adaptability and seal of the palatal prostheses. Using palatal prostheses improves patients’ overall quality of life.

Page : 75 - 83

Title : Non-Surgical Management of Disc Displacement Without Reduction: A Case Report

Author(s) : Uthai Uma

Keyword(s) : Disc displacement,Jaw exercise,Occlusal splint,Temporomandibular disorders

Manuscript Type : Case Report

Page : 75 - 83

Disc displacement can cause limited mouth opening, jaw locking, and joint pain. Although it can resolve on its own over months to years, timely conservative treatment is essential to prevent further disc deterioration and improve quality of life. A 25-year-old woman reported difficulty opening her mouth for six months, along with tightness and pain radiating to the right temple. She reported a history of joint clicking that later disappeared. Clinical examination and magnetic resonance imaging confirmed disc displacement without reduction. Additionally, she presented with right masseter muscle pain, rated seven out of ten on the pain scale, radiating to the temporal region during mouth opening, which was diagnosed as myofascial pain with referral. The combined treatment involved patient education, warm compresses on the masseter muscles, a hard upper occlusal splint with increased thickness, active jaw exercises in front of a mirror, and passive exercises using silicone tubes and wooden tongue depressors. After ten months, her mouth opening improved from 15 mm to 52 mm, with normal jaw movements and no pain. This case demonstrates that non-surgical management can effectively treat chronic disc displacement without reduction, along with myofascial pain with referral, resulting in significant improvements in mouth opening and jaw function.

Page : 84 - 91

Title : Prevalence and Factors Related to Dental Visits among Thai Adults at a University Hospital During Pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019

Author(s) : Pavika Searmsak, Arnond Vorayingyong, Thanapoom Rattananupong

Keyword(s) : Dental visits,Thai adults,University hospital

Manuscript Type : Original Article (บทวิทยาการ)

Page : 84 - 91

Regular dental visits is important. Early treating disease prevents damage that is difficult to reverse. Whether the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 in Thailand affects dental visits or not, is of great interest. The purpose of this study is to detect the prevalence and related factors of dental visits during pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019. This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study. Data were collected from volunteers who received services at a university hospital, were of Thai race and nationality, and aged between 20-59 years. Using a questionnaire consisting of 4 sections of questions: general information, attitudes and knowledge about oral health, awareness of one's own health problems and dental visits during the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Related factors were analyzed using multiple logistic regression. Data collected from 378 service recipients, revealed that the prevalence of dental visits during pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 was 46.0 percent. Related factors were attitudes and oral health knowledge and oral problems that were necessary to receive dental treatment. The group considering that going for a dental check-up and scaling is important was 2.38 times more likely to have dental visits during the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 compared to the group reflecting that it is not important (95% CI =1.19, 4.73). The group which worried about or scared of having dental visits was 0.52 times less likely to have dental visits during the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 compared to the group with no worries or fears (95% CI = 0.29, 0.92). The group which wanted to cancel or postpone a dental appointment was 0.35 times less likely to have dental visits during the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 compared to the group which did not want to (95% CI = 0.21, 0.60). The group with oral problems that needed dental treatment was 2.70 times more likely to have dental visits during the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 compared to the group with no oral problems (95% CI = 1.66, 4.38). In conclusion, the prevalence of dental visits during pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 was 46.0 percent. Related factors were attitudes and oral health knowledge and oral problems that were necessary to receive dental treatment.

Page : 92 - 98

Title : Load-Deflection Properties of Esthetic Orthodontic Archwires Used in Leveling Stage in Self-Ligating Ceramic Brackets

Author(s) : Siripim Prukpaiboon, Wikanda Khemaleelakul, Nattawit Promma

Keyword(s) : Esthetic orthodontic archwire,Leveling stage,Load-deflection properties

Manuscript Type : Original Article (บทวิทยาการ)

Page : 92 - 98

The purpose of this study was to compare unloading force of glass fiber-reinforced wire (GF), non-coated superelastic NiTi wires (NC), epoxy-coated NiTi wire (EC), and Teflon-coated NiTi wire (TC) in ceramic passive self-ligating bracket. The modified three-point bending test was conducted on an ideal upper arch model with intentionally omitted maxillary right lateral incisor. Ceramic passive self-ligating brackets were bonded, and the model was set in a controlled-temperature water bath at 36±0.5° Celsius. The universal testing machine with 100 newton load cells was used. The arch-shaped preformed GF, NC, EC and TC wire was attached to the model and the indenter was set perpendicular to the middle portion of the space of maxillary right lateral incisor. The crosshead speed was 0.5mm/min and the deflection was settled at 1.5 mm for the GF wire and 3 mm for the NiTi wire. Then, the unloading force was measured at every 0.5 mm until the deflection was 0 mm. The experiment was repeated ten times per group and a new archwire was used on every test. The minimum and maximum unloading force measured from the GF group was 14.54 and 134.36 g, the NC group was 41.60 and 526.49 g, the EC group was 35.54 and 289.12 g and the TC group was 56.57 and 514.58 g. The loading and unloading curve of the GF group showed no hysteresis while the NC, EC, and TC groups presented the comparative style of a force-deflection curve with hysteresis and a steep plateau. The four types of wire listed from the lowest to highest unloading force are GF, EC, TC and NC groups.

Page : 99 - 106

Title : Cooperation in Children with Autism Through the Use of the Social Story Book "I Go to the Dentist" for Preparation Before Dental Examinations

Author(s) : Thatsana Ritthikul, Pimpilai Limsomwong, Mansuang Wongsapai, Usa Chuengpattanawadee, Ratanaon Juhong, Decha Tamdee

Keyword(s) : Preparation,Cooperation,Dentistry,Social Story Book,Autism

Manuscript Type : Original Article (บทวิทยาการ)

Page : 99 - 106

Autistic children have difficulty understanding abstract concepts and responding to communication. This becomes even more challenging when they need to receive healthcare services, especially in dentistry, which is often a source of fear and anxiety for most people. Visual communication is therefore an effective method to increase understanding and help promote cooperation among autistic children in receiving dental services. This study aims to examine the level of cooperation of autistic children during dental examinations when using a social story book. The sample group consisted of 30 pairs of parents and autistic children aged 3 - 12 years who received dental services at the Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health, Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development, and Yuwaprasart Waithayopathum Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Hospital, selected through purposive sampling. The tools used in the study included a social story book titled "I Go to the Dentist," which parents used consistently with their children for 4 weeks before seeing the dentist, a general information record form, and Frankl's Behavior Rating Scale to record cooperation levels during dental examinations. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the average cooperation level of all participants was 3.03 (SD = 1.0), and the average cooperation level of the target group who had never experienced a dental visit before was 3.40 (SD = 0.9). The highest cooperation scores were for the steps of traveling to the hospital to see the dentist and sitting in the waiting room before entering the dental office. The lowest cooperation scores were for cooperation during the use of suction devices and dental examination tools. The study shows that using the social story book "I'm Going to the Dentist" can be used to promote preparation for autistic children to receive dental examinations and dental health services.

Page : 107 - 118

Title : Analysis of Caries Risk Assessment Factors Associated with Caries Status in Thai Preschool Children Using Machine Learning

Author(s) : Ratcha Rakskmanut, Ampaporn Nithipratheep, Pirat Karntiang, Jintanaporn Siripipat, Sukrit Poonsuk, Sasipimon Chanrat, Yada Anantawat, Lilinda Srisoontornthai, Angsuma Sumethchotimetha

Keyword(s) : Risk Assessment,Machine Learning,Preschool,Risk Factors,Dental Caries

Manuscript Type : Original Article (บทวิทยาการ)

Page : 107 - 118

Various caries risk assessment (CRA) forms have been developed as an essential element in risk-based caries management. However, most established CRAs were developed based on the evidence in Western countries, potentially limiting their applicability to different demographic groups. This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the predictive performance of caries risk/protective factors from established CRA forms in predicting the presence of cavitated caries lesions in Thai preschool children and to compare the associations between these factors and caries status. A total of 122 children participated, with parental interviews conducted using a comprehensive questionnaire that integrated caries/protective factors from CRAs endorsed by AAPD, ADA, and DAT. Participants were categorized into two groups based on caries status: those with and without cavitated caries lesions. A Random Forest classifier was utilized for predictive model construction, and important factors were identified through the Boruta algorithm and Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE). Factors associated with the caries status included age, the educational level of the primary caregiver, visible plaque, and sibling’s caries status. The Out-of-Bag (OBB) error rates of models generated from individual CRA forms were comparable, with a slightly lower error rate observed in the model that combined all three CRA forms. Key factors identified as important for predicting caries status were the number of non-cavitated caries lesions, visible plaque, and sibling’s caries status. This study highlighted the importance of these factors in caries risk assessment among Thai preschool children. These findings, aligned with established CRAs, could guide the development of tailored CRA forms for this population. Further studies with larger, more diverse cohorts and a longitudinal design are recommended to validate these findings and enhance their utility as caries predictors.

Page : 1 - 11

Title : Repairability of Four CAD-CAM Materials

Author(s) : Tanyaporn Treyasorasai, Sirivimol Srisawasdi

Keyword(s) : CAD-CAM blocks,ceramic surface treatment,shear bond strength,silane coupling agents,universal adhesive

Manuscript Type : Original Article (บทวิทยาการ)

Page : 1 - 11

This study assessed the repairability among four CAD-CAM blocks repaired with different universal adhesives after aging. The CAD-CAM blocks evaluated were Polymer infiltrated ceramic network (Vita Enamic ®, VE), Zirconium-reinforced lithium silicate ceramic (Vita Suprinity®, VS), Feldspathic ceramic (Vitablocs ® Mark II, VM), and Lithium disilicate ceramic (IPS e.max® CAD, IE). Each original block was prepared into 5x5x5 mm dimensions to create 120 specimens. After being subjected to 10,000 cycles of thermocycling to simulate the oral environment conditions equivalent to one year of service, surface pretreatment was carried out by grinding and etching with a 9% hydrofluoric acid (Ultradent Porcelain Etch®). Subsequently, specimens were divided into three groups based on adhesive applied: Clearfil™ Tri-s bond Universal (CUB), Scotchbond Universal Plus® (SUP), and Monobond N® (MN, control group). Resin composite (Filtek™ Z350 XT, shade A3.5; 3M ESPE, USA) was then applied in a 2 mm thick-increment. All samples underwent another round of 10,000 cycles of thermocycling. A shear bond strength test (SBS) was performed, and the resulting data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Games-Howell or Least Significance Difference (LSD) post-hoc analysis (P < 0.05).  Additionally, failure modes were examined under a stereomicroscope. Two-way ANOVA revealed significant impacts of both types of CAD-CAM blocks (P < 0.001), and universal adhesives (P < 0.001) on SBS values. Post-hoc analysis indicated that the SUP group exhibited improved repair SBS values compared with control and CUB groups (P < 0.05). VE + SUP group demonstrated the highest bond strength. The highest SBS was observed in the VE + CUB group (P < 0.05). Additionally, CAD-CAM material bonded with CUB showed significantly lower SBS compared with control groups in IE + CUB (P < 0.05). The lowest SBS was found in VM + MN (P < 0.05). In conclusion, universal adhesive containing 3-MPTES/APTES revealed superior repair bond strength across four CAD-CAM blocks. Particularly, hybrid ceramic and feldspathic ceramic exhibited favorable characteristics for repair with resin composite materials.

Page : 12 - 19

Title : Push Out Bond Strength of Self-etch Resin Cement in Canal Obturated with Gutta Percha/bioceramic Sealer

Author(s) : Kunlarut Kongwanich, Suwit Wimonchit

Keyword(s) : Bioceramic sealer,Resin cement,Fiber post,Push out bond strength

Manuscript Type : Original Article (บทวิทยาการ)

Page : 12 - 19

The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the push out bond strength of self-etch resin cement bonded fiber posts after use of two bioceramic sealers in obturation. Forty maxillary incisors were decoronated to the root length of 13 mm and prepared with K3 rotary files up to size 40/.06. All of them were filled with the assigned sealers: control (no sealer, AH PlusTM, iRoot SP®, and Nishika Canal Sealer BG®). After seven days, post spaces were prepared and then applied the mixture of primer A and B. The prefabricated fiber posts (FibreKleer® no.2) were cemented with Multilink® N in the prepared root canal. Two cross sections of specimens were performed in 2 mm thick slices, representing two different regions, coronal and middle thirds. Universal Testing Machine was loaded with plunger vertically until specimen failure. Maximum force was recorded as push out bond strength. Failure patterns were observed under a stereomicroscope at 50x magnification. The results showed that, in both root regions, the highest bond strength was found in the control group. Roots filled with AH Plus TM exhibited statistically more bond strength than roots filled with iRoot SP® and Nishika Canal Sealer BG® (p<0.05). Failure at the resin cement-dentin interface was prominent in all sealer groups. In conclusion, iRoot SP® and Nishika canal sealer BG® negatively impacted the push out bond strength compared to AH PlusTM

Page : 20 - 29

Title : Three - Dimensional Temporomandibular Joint and Mandibular Morphology in A Group of Thai Skeletal Class III with and Without Mandibular Asymmetry Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography

Author(s) : Yosaphon Songphum, Sirima Petdachai, Vannaporn Chuenchompoonut

Keyword(s) : Asymmetry,Cone-beam computed tomography,Skeletal Class III,Temporomandibular joint

Manuscript Type : Original Article (บทวิทยาการ)

Page : 20 - 29

The aims of this study were to evaluate the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and mandibular morphology in skeletal Class III patients, compare the dimensions between symmetric and asymmetric patients, and find the correlation of the dimensions. Eighty Cone Beam Computed Tomography images of adult Thai skeletal Class III patients (20 adult males, 20 adult females, aged 20-42 years, mean age 25.45 ± 6.05 years) were divided into eight groups. The TMJ and mandible dimensions and angulations were measured using multiplanar reconstruction images. The differences in the dimensions between groups were analyzed using ANOVA and the Kruskal Wallis H test. The correlations of the dimensions were analyzed by the Pearson correlation and the Spearman correlation. The ICC was good-excellent for the intra-examiner (0.843–0.993) and inter-examiner reliability (0.833–0.980). The TMJ and mandibular measurements were significantly different between groups in the mediolateral condylar width, anteroposterior condylar width, coronal condylar angle, ramus width, ramus height, and mandibular height. However, there were no significant differences between groups for the condylar axis, sagittal condylar angle, superior joint space, anterior joint space, posterior joint space, condylar height, glenoid fossa depth, coronoid height, coronoid width, anterior fossa inclination, posterior fossa inclination, lingula, and gonial angle. The correlation between the lingula position and ramus height (r = 0.743), the ramus width and mandibular height (ρ = 0.798), and the mandibular height and the ramus height (ρ = 0.740) were good. In conclusion, comparing the TMJ and mandible revealed that the male non-deviated side exhibited the greatest mediolateral and anteroposterior condylar width, ramus height, and mandibular height. Skeletal Class III symmetry patients demonstrated a significant correlation between the ligula position and ramus height, the mandibular height and ramus height, and between the mandibular height and ramus width.

Page : 30 - 39

Title : Usage accuracy of the Newly Developed 3D-printed Intraoral Surveyor: An In Vivo Study

Author(s) : Tanaporn Mahasurachaikul, Supanee Buranadham

Keyword(s) : Surveyor,Intraoral surveyor,Survey line validity

Manuscript Type : Original Article (บทวิทยาการ)

Page : 30 - 39

The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vivo accuracy of a newly developed 3D-printed intraoral surveyor, initially proposed by Doungtraiphop et al. The surveyor had been modified to enhance its functionality. For each of the three subjects, a set of upper and lower study models was created. A prosthodontist was asked to use a Ney surveyor to draw survey lines (Sr) on designated teeth in each model at a predetermined path. All models were digitally scanned to serve as reference files. Three prosthodontic graduate students then used the intraoral surveyor to draw survey lines (Si) on the assigned tooth surfaces along the same path for each subject. Both arches were scanned with an intraoral scanner immediately after each student’s surveying procedure, and the teeth were cleaned with pumice before another operator conducted the next surveying procedure. Each digitally scanned file was superimposed onto its corresponding reference file in the same position. Images of the studied surfaces were captured to evaluate the agreement between Si and Sr lines on each assigned tooth surface. The study found that ill-defined Si lines appeared on 3.01 percent of the studied tooth surfaces, while complete overlapping of Si and Sr lines was observed on 80.56 percent of the surfaces. The agreement between Si and Sr lines was excellent, with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.949. Within the study's limitations, it was concluded that the newly developed intraoral surveyor was highly accurate in creating survey lines intra-orally, providing similar results to those of a conventional surveyor.

Page : 40 - 53

Title : Oral health Promotion Services in Well Child Clinics and an Association of Dental Caries, Growth and Development in 0 - 5 Years Old Children

Author(s) : Wannapong Chonnapasatid, Songchai Thitasomakul, Sukanya Tianviwat

Keyword(s) : growth,oral health promotion,well child clinics,Early childhood caries,development

Manuscript Type : Original Article (บทวิทยาการ)

Page : 40 - 53

To investigate the prevalence of dental caries (dmft), growth, and development of children aged 0-5 years, oral health promotion services, and the associations of dental caries status, growth and development, using data retrieved from the Health Data Center (HDC) of The Ministry of Public Health in Samut Prakan Province. Data of Thai children aged 0–5 years who received oral health promotion services and dental examinations, as well as growth and development assessments in Well Child Clinics from 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2020 were retrieved. These children were registered in 54 health-promoting sub-district hospitals across six districts in Samut Prakan province.  The variables included dental examinations, tooth brushing instructions, need of fluoride, fluoride vanish applications, weight, height and developmental assessments, which were retrieved from 4 folders that is 1.PERSON 2.DENTAL 3.OPD_PROCEDURE and 4. NUTRITION. These data were linked by personal identification number (PID). The correctness and completeness of the data were checked. Dental caries status (mean dmft), the receipt of oral health promotion services, growth (proportionality), and developmental assessments were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The relationship between oral health promotion and mean dmft was tested using the Independent Sample t-test. ANOVA was used to compare the number of decayed teeth (d) among children with normal development, suspected delayed development, and delayed development. The relationship between growth, as well as the receipt of oral health promotion, and dental caries in caries-free children (dmft=0) and those with caries (dmft≥1) was analyzed using Pearson’s chi-square test. Binary logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify caries risk factors. All test were set at a significance level of α<0.05. 34,678 children were enrolled, 31% of whom had caries, with an average dmft=1.89±3.8. Normal weight for age, normal height for age, normal weight for height and normal development accounted for 65.8%, 60.2%, 62.2%, and 98.8%, respectively. Most parents of children between the ages of birth and 2 years received tooth brushing instruction, and children received fluoride varnish application between 1-2 years old. Children who received oral health promotion had significantly lower dental caries (both lower mean dmft and higher percentage of caries-free children, p<0.01). It was found that taller children had a lower proportion of dental caries. Furthermore, Children with normal weight for age and normal weight for height (proportionality body shape) had less dental caries than those who were underweight, overweight, thin or obese body shape (p<0.01). Binary logistic regression analysis gave a consistent result with bivariate analysis: gender, receiving tooth brushing instruction, fluoride varnish application, age, and the child’s body shape, all of which were found to be associated with the dental caries status. Lower dmft children were found associated with oral health promotion services, including fluoride varnish application and tooth brushing instruction to their parent, as well as normal growth. Therefore, oral health promotion, development, along with nutrition promotion, should be integrated and continued.