Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics 

                  All articles proposed for the publication in the JDAT is deliberately revised from the editorial board. Three parties (authors, editors, and reviewers) are involved in the reviewing process which comply with the regulation as detailed below.

1. Editor
1.1    Responsible for evaluating the quality of the manuscript for publication within the notified period of time andmust be in charge of final decision for publication.
1.2    Provide any information required for the reviewers and thouroughly support the reviewing process until final decisions are made
1.3    Should check any plagiarisms or conflicts of interest in the manuscript decide to accept or reject a manuscript for publication
1.4    Must not disclose any information between the authors and/or the reviewers to other persons who are not involved in any stage of paper evaluation.

2. Reviewer
2.1    Protect confidentiality of any informations of the manuscripts to the uninvolved persons during the evaluation process.
2.2    Revise and review paper in their field of specialization and unbiased within the specific time frame upon the reviewing process.
2.3    Deliberately evaluation of any plagiarims and conflict of interests in the manuscripts.
2.4    Never use the processing manuscript for their personal benefits.

3. Authors
3.1    Strictly following the JDAT guideline for authors once decide for the submission.
3.2    Thoroughly check the appropiateness of the language used in the manuscipt. English manuscrite should be edited and revised by the language expert before submission.
3.3    Do not published plagiarized or unethical work. The manuscript will be immediately rejected once it has been detected.
3.4    Provide any informations required for the reviewing process or upon request by the Editor.  

4. Human and Animal Rights
                  For research investigating samples of human, human participants and data or animal samples, authors should show the approval evidence officially released by the ethics committee of each institute and indicate in the “Materials and Methods” section of the manuscript.